Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hank, it's my family tradition.

Traditions. It is defined as a long established way of thinking or acting. And as the holiday season approaches, many of us begin to practice our long standing traditions. We have many in our household. The day after thanksgiving is intended for Rox's early morning shopping trip, then all the decorations (inside and out) come out of the attic and go up in their designated places. We will watch 3 movies over the next couple of weeks together as a family; they are A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, and Elf. We will build gingerbread houses together and proudly display them on the bar. We will go through our toys and clothes that we don't use anymore, we will donate them to Goodwill. But of all of our holiday traditions, the one that means the most to me is that we go to church on Christmas Eve. Our entire extended family meets at Crosspoint 7 Lakes and celebrates the real reason for the season. It's the story of the coming of Christ that we do all of this stuff anyway. Without the birth, we wouldn't have had the death on the cross that washes away our sins. So, what are your traditions? If you don't have a place to worship on Christmas Eve, please join my family and me. Start a new one.

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests. Luke 2:13-14.

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